Let’s Learn About Trail Planning Fundamentals!

virtual summit

March has been an excellent month for the 2021 Annual Piedmont Legacy Trails Summit! The Areté Structures team is proud to have supported all 4 weeks of the Summit. This Friday, March 26, is the last virtual session, and it’s going to be great! 

Thank you, Leslie Schlender, from the Town of Elkin, and Heidi Walters from Visit North Carolina, for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us! And a special thank you to the out-of-state speaker David Kahley, The Progress Fund, and Trail Town Program for sharing how you developed the Trail Town brand! 

The March 26th topic will be “Trail Planning, Designing, and Building.” Continue reading to learn more about this week’s session. 

Tim Johnson, Senior Planner, Destination by Design

Tim will share the essentials of creating sustainable trails for all different types of trail users. His topics will include: 

  • Fundamentals of Trail Planning
  • Design 
  • Construction

Thank you, Tim, for taking the time to share with us. 

Areté Structures Video

Don’t miss this great video that we will be sharing at the end of the session! 

Who are the Piedmont Legacy Trails? 

The Piedmont Legacy Trails mission is to promote the trails as a travel destination while creating a voice for the North Carolina region. 

Want More Information? 

Visit the Piedmont Legacy Trails website to view the Summit’s detailed schedule, register for the meetings, and rewatch the last 3 presentations. 

When it’s time for your next bridge project, contact the Areté Structures team to learn how we can help you. Contact the Areté team here.