FRP Pedestrian Bridge
Northeast Georgia Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association (SORBA), in partnership with the City of Gainesville and the Chicopee Woods Area Park Commission, with funding provided by the Federal Highways Administration’s Recreational Trails program via the Georgia State Parks, are embarking to improve and enhance trails in the Chicopee Woods Area Park. With the help of Areté Structures, 2 bridges were designed to be used as mountain biking bridges.

Arete’ Structures provided an unassembled 27 1/2 ft. x 6ft. and a 30 ft. x 6 ft. fiber reinforced polymer bridge. Also included were a full set of construction drawings regarding the construction of the bridge, as well as installation and assembly procedures. NHM Constructors LLC assembled and installed the bridge.

All materials had to be unloaded off tractor trailers in a near by parking lot, loaded onto a pick up truck, and then carried to the site. All concrete was mixed onsite and carried to its final destination. Each segment of the bridge was hand carried and bolted in place. The project took NHM constructors 1 day to mobilize, 2 days to pour the abutments, 4 days to assemble the bridge and ramps, and 1 day to demobilize.