In Wayne National Forest, just outside of the small but vibrant trail town of Shawnee, Ohio, is Tecumseh Lake Picnic Area. The picnic area contains two Areté FRP truss trail bridges. The first, a 32-foot bridge, was built in 2021, and the second, a 26-foot bridge, was built in 2023. Though they were fabricated and installed as parts of two separate projects, they now work together to link the two halves of a loop trail that circumnavigates Tecumseh Lake. The lake is a great place to take a picnic, go for a quick stroll, or spend some time fishing. However, it’s also a part of two major National Scenic Trails, the Buckeye Trail and the North Country Trail. There are, therefore, ample opportunities for extended adventures as well. Shawnee and Tecumseh Lake are worth the effort to get to this beautiful and remote corner of Ohio.